Hi, My name is Mahmoud Zanoun
I'm the Developer you need.

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About me

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I'm intermediate Front-end Web Developer. Possess strong leadership and communication skills with fluency in Arabic and English. I'm a problem solver, hard worker, and passionate about learning the latest technologies. I'm seeking to create web apps that serve millions of people with awesome UI/UX and responsive apps to help in their life and make them more efficient and easier.

And here is some of my skills: Html, Css, Javascript, Reactjs, Nodejs, Expressjs, PostgreSQl, Postman, Git, Github and Heroku.

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Food Recipe Box

Food Recipe Box is a web app that let you add, edit and delete recipes in addition to, possibility of searching for recipes.
It's fully responsive on all screens.

See Live Source Code

Crazy Dolphin

This website for a tourism company. It supports ten different languages. It supports payment online. I've finished all the UI part with an awesome UX using React.
It's fully responsive on all screens.

See Live Source Code

Smart Brain

I've made this project from scratch from A to Z includes the server-side, databases and the deployment. Smart Brain is a web app that uses the Clarifai API to locate a face or detected in a picture.

See Live Source Code

Instagram Clone

This is instagram clone using React + Firebase. Give it a try! You can check it and create your own account to see the other users posts and interact with and also you can upload your first post to let everybody see it.

See Live Source Code


This project for a startup company.
It is fully responsive on all screens. You can give it a try!

See Live Source Code

Calculator App

This is simple calculator with three different themes and this app is fully responsive on all screens.

See Live Source Code

Robo Friends

Create-react-app project that, fetch APIs and allows the user search the fetch.

See Live Source Code

Red Store

I've made this project using only HTML, CSS and JS with an awesome UI/UX. It is fully responsive on all screens. This is just a simple UI store page (e-commerce website).

See Live Source Code

Four Cards

This is just a sample. It was just a challenge from FrontEndMentor for design. It is fully responsive.

See Live Source Code


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